Theme Settings

It is kindly recommended to take a look at the information below:

Customizing themes - official documentation THEME SETTINGS


You can find almost all texts in your admin panel in the Language section:

Please refer to the attached screenshots:

Language link

Almost all texts can be edited in the Shopify admin section, Edit languages chapter. Press all tabs and change the texts to yours.

Language settings


Kindly note that you may use only one language for one store. Shopify does not have a multilingual setting! To use multilingual setting we recommend to install the WEGLOT APP
  • Create a linklist menu with languages. Use external links in the menu:: Language settings Language settings
  • Keep in mind what menu is created as language menu in your admin.
  • Go to Online store > Customize > Sections > Header > Bottom section > Tab Languages menu Tab:: Language settings
  • Open the Languages menu tab. Write the default language for your store. Choose the created language menu: Language settings
  • Result: Language settings


Open Settings tab

Parameter Value
Share image Upload image
Image Favicon Use image with size 32x32px
Show Preloader Theme main preloader
Boxed Theme Theme will have boxed header and footer
RTL Theme Use theme in RTL mode
Show Breadcrumbs Show breadcrumb block on pages below the header
Catalogue Mode Hide top cart icon, "Add to Cart" button, Prices, Ratings
Show footer Instagram section You will find this section in the “Sections” tab above the footer.
Show back to top button Show the button in the right bottom corner.
Roundness Make some elements as rounded
Terms and Conditions Checkbox Using with the checkout button
Ajax "ADD TO CART" Use the “ajax add to cart” button
Wishlist in Theme Enable the "wishlist" option in the theme
Compare in Theme Enable the "compare" option in the theme
Buy in One Click Works in a product page. This button does not work in the adding to cart functionality on collection pages.
Countdown Timezone Select and paste your timezone
"ADD TO CART" Popup Pop-up message. Works when product is added to cart
Review Choose between: Default shopify review app and Ali Review.
Shows empty stars. Works when product has no reviews
Navigation Show links in a new window after click
Custom Code Field For HTML, js, and others.
Placed at the end of the main HTML file
First Product Variant Column is Images For the product options.
Option are set as images.
Images come from product admin variants images.
Use in the Listing Products For the product options.
It works on the product thumbnails
Show Unavailable Variants Show/hide unavailable variants


Please refer to the attached screenshots.

Open the Typography tab

  1. Thickness Typography
  4. ADDITIONAL FONTS AND STYLES Typography Typography


You may find base styles for quick customization in the Theme settings tab. Please refer to the attached screenshot.



Please refer to the attached screenshot to find base colors for quick customization.



Please refer to the attached screenshots:

Open the Header tab

Parameter Value
Header Design Theme supports 4 types of headers.
Select your header type and edit it in the Header section in Theme customizer.
Open search in header "Default, with options" Opens your search field.
Works in the header "Default, with options"
Use submenu arrows for the main menu Show/Hide arrows
MOBILE HEADER DESIGN: Use design mobile header in line All elements in the line.
Use Static Header in the "Home Page" Transparent header. Using with the Revolution slider
Content Color Base color for all elements for the home page in the header
Content Active Color Activates colors for all elements for the home page in the header section.
Show Static Logo Show/Hide Static Logo
Static Logo Works only with a static header on the home page. Replaces the main logo

Product item

Open the Product Item tab

  1. Use image hover for second image: In the demo we use the size of the image equal to 1600х2000px

    Product Item

    Parameter Value
    Select product design Choose between 2 types: Default, Hidden options
    Center product information Works with Default Design
    Shows product without the hover Works only for product design "Default"
  3. SCALE PRODUCTS: works in product cells on Collection pages, related products etc.

    If you check the only first option you will see such resizing:

    Product Item

    If you check both fields you will see such resizing:

    Product Item

    Product Item


    Product Item


    Product Item

    You can make smaller the product title to vertically align the product cells on collections pages etc.

Product quick view

Open the Product Quick View tab

You can show/hide elements in the Quick view block and options design.

Product Quick View

Collection page

Open the Collection Page tab

  1. Main settings Collection Page
    Parameter Value
    Number of products per page Write any number
    Products in one row always View type for the listing page
    Show option One Row Enable button in one row
    Products In Column Choose between 2, 3, 4, 6
    Pagination Choose between "Show More" button, Auto Scroll
    Infinity scroll. No Products Text Enter text
    Show product per page count Enable/Disable
    Show Collection Title Enable/Disable
    Show Collection Product Count Enable/Disable
    Show Collection Description Enable/Disable
  2. SIDEBAR: design, Show Tooltips in clear filters section Collection Page
  3. FILTERS Collection Page Product filters

    Read details about the menu here

  5. SIDEBAR BANNER Collection Page

Product colors and textures

Colors and images


Please refer to the attached screenshots:

Open Newsletter tab


You may process the newsletters with Mailchimp service:

Include mailchimp

Work with your Shopify account by the default:


Follow this steps to set up an email marketing campaign:

  • With a newsletter signup, you collect email addresses from your customers and store them on the Accepts Marketing tab on the Customers page in the admin.
  • Install an email marketing app from the Shopify App Store.
  • Follow the instructions from a email marketing app to sync it with your list of customers who add their emails to your newsletter signup section. If your theme doesn't have an email signup form, then use an email marketing app that can add one to your store.
  • Use the email marketing app to create and send newsletters to your customers.

Popup newsletter

Open the Pop-up Newsletter tab

SHOW/HIDE Popup Newsletter. Popup Newsletter options and texts.

SVG icons

You can add here SVG codes for some icons in the theme and parameters of them.


Open tab Checkout

Setting up your online checkout - official documentation

Checkout/cart/account/login pages are not a part of the theme.
They are the default Shopify page.
Please ask your question from official Shopify support or search information in default Shopify manuals.